I stayed in the home of Amy and Sheldon Finlay. They were such charming hosts, and took great care to keep me happy and comfortable. That was quite a task actually, because my luggage was delayed. :(
So, my overnight stay was interesting. Amy provided a toothbrush, toiletries, cosmetics, and pajamas. She certainly deserves a blue medal for all that improvisation! :D
The next morning, my luggage was at their doorstep, kindly delivered by the airline. So, after changing clothes and freshening up, I felt much better. I thoroughly enjoyed visiting their beautiful home. Sheldon is a master at "keeping the home fires burning" at their charming woodstove, and has a beautiful Irish lilt to his voice. I think I could listen to him talk every day.
On the previous day, after picking me up at the airport, Amy took me to WEBS, the largest yarn shop I've ever seen. Very nice!
I didn't have much cash with me, but I couldn't resist buying some heavenly soft Misti Alpaca Lace, and some skeins of mohair blend (Valley Farms "Wildwood"), which was on sale half price.
On my second day there, some other knitting friends came to visit as well, and we all enjoyed sitting around together, knitting and talking.
We even had some furry creatures around to entertain us.
All in all, it was a wonderful weekend, and my trip home was uneventful, with luggage safely travelling all the way to my destination. Excellent!