One of my ancestors (William Simpson) came from Ballymoney, Ireland to America back in 1772, landing on the coast of Charleston, South Carolina. He brought his wife (Martha Orr Simpson) and 3 children with him. The youngest child (James Simpson) was my Great Great Great Great Grandfather. He was just a baby at the time he arrived here.
It's nice to know my connection to Irish heritage. :)
I was born with red hair, and had a temper from the start. Ha!
But, I sure was cute, wasn't I?

Since I have a valid connection to Ireland, I usually enjoy watching St Patrick's Day festivities. I won't go as far as drinking green beer, because I don't like the taste of beer. But, I usually wear green, and try to spout out a few Irish sayings with a pretended accent. It's fun!
Today, I have no piano lessons, and no other reason to leave the house. So, I think I'll just make something green for the day. My mother has asked for a green dishcloth, so I'll grab a crochet hook or some knitting needles, and get on it.
An Old Irish Blessing
May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life's passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!
...and may your yarn basket be as full as the stars in the sky...
I had to add something about yarn in there somewhere.
Thank you for the Irish Blessing! :) I've decided to crochet a dishcloth, using Bernat's Beginner pattern. I tried a couple knitting patterns and one other crochet pattern before making my choice. This one is easy and fun. Already halfway through!
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